...I'm Sorry...

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SymmetryIsKeyDTK's avatar

Not sure if anyone noticed but, I've been a little inactive for the past few days....

The reason your brain may wonder "What? Why da fuck have you been inactive Symmetry? You little Canadian shit, ya shrimp dick fuck nugget. Now tell me, before I eat all your Nutella!" First off, calm your little brain cells, seriously....damn.
Anyway, the reason for my inactivity is because school is starting up soon. Like, real soon. Like, Tuesday soon. It'll be my first year of Highschool. And. I. am. hella. NERVOUS

I'm not ready for this type of torture! Okay, maybe I'm over reacting just a little bit. But honestly, I'm nervous and scared. The Highschool is HUGE! I'm talking about 3 floor's huge with 2 gymnasiums. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm only 4'9" in height and the students that go there are tall

Imagine this, Levi is walking through the Forest of Giant Trees and suddenly, he hears one of those horrid titan screams and giant foot steps coming his way. But he can't fly up to a safe height because his 3DMG is broken and he's alone at the moment. And then he sees a whole clan of titans just running at him! Then Levi is just standing there in shock think he's gonna die.

"I'm gonna be eaten by a giant filthy bitch. Eren, I never got to tell you this but.... I...I still think I'm fabulous boss ass bitch no matter what you say. I'M HEICHOU FOR FUCKS SAKE! And also I Lov-"

BUUUUUT NOPE! He doesn't get to finish his sentence because the hurdle of titans are already coming his way and looking ahead if him. But wait ahead?! 

"They're not eating me..." Levi quickly moves out of the way before getting stepped on. "They're not paying attention to me..." Swiftly Levi runs past the group of monstrous assholes and finds his lover Eren and they go fly back to HQ.

I hate to break it to you Levi. but the reason you didn't get eaten and die is because YOU'RE SO DAMN SHORT THAT TITANS RAN PAST YOU BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T SEE YOU ! Yeah, in Highschool I'll be just like Levi. Pssh...scum.

Aside form all that, again, I apologize for my inactivity and I'll try to be more active but expect this ounce I start High-FUCKING-school.

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Gossamer1357's avatar
It's quite alright! To be honest I haven't been that active either because of high school too, although now I am a sophomore. High school may be a bit nerve-racking at first because it's big, the many hallways are confusing, the classes are a bit more complex and the teachers are more strict on homework, but once you get the hang of it, you're fine! When I first started high school , I thought that it was the equivalent of a huge encased white labarynth. Now, it doesn't seem that intimidating anymore so if you're nervous, don't worry! It's completely normal and I wish you the best of luck! :)